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Motivational Speaking

  • How to be a Motivational Speaker
    • Lesson-1: Introduction
    • Lesson-2: What is Motivation
    • Lesson-3: What can a Motivational Speaker Do?
    • Lesson-4: The Types of Motivational Speakers
    • Lesson-5: Define your Areas of Expertise
    • Lesson-6: Decision
    • Lesson-7: Start With Yourself
    • Lesson-8: The Content
    • Lesson-9: Learn to Write Your Speech
    • Lesson-10: More and More in Less and Less
    • Lesson-11: Practice
    • Lesson-12: The Rule of 10
    • Lesson-13: Empathy
    • Lesson-14: Humor
    • Lesson-15: Tonality
    • Lesson-16: Pause
    • Lesson-17: Body Language
    • Lesson-18: Facial Expression
    • Lesson-19: Storytelling
    • Lesson-20: Visual Aids and Props – My Philosophy
    • Lesson-21: It is not about you
    • Lesson-22: I don’t have the voice
    • Lesson-23: More and More Value
    • Lesson-24: Watch Your Own Videos
    • Lesson-25: The Kaizen Principle
    • Lesson-26: Learn from Others
    • Lesson-27: First Learn to Speak
    • Lesson-28: How to Find Opportunities to Speak
    • Lesson-29: Your Social Media Presence
    • Lesson-30: The Testimonials
    • Lesson-31: Your Best Marketing Tool
    • Lesson-32: Conclusion